Help rescue our besieged universe
Relentlessly ravaged by bullyragging war
Without compassionate understanding mutual trust
There can be no peace
Save our disillusioned lonesome planet
Hungry souls suffering emotional famine
Spreading malice cancerous hateful fear
Soothing cure-all Tender Loving Care
Look within anima awakening spirituality
Flexible open attitudes never shut
Without passionate longing steadfast nudging
Hostile mountains cannot be moved
Deliver justice to homeless refugees
Given equal opportunity fair-minded options
Unless oyster shells are shucked
Latent priceless pearls remain undiscovered
Protect our endangered natural eco-environment
Forecasting common cause future unity
Without bolting thunder lightning zigzags
There can be no rainbows
The gliberated, rarely humble Bang-cocksure No Holds Bard e-gadfly, Dr. Charles Frederickson proudly presents his uniquest oddyssey, funThaistic PoeArtry avec pizzazz website – http://www.poetryartcombo.com. More than 500 original colorful images and impressions are featured, sketched and scribbled during travels to 206 countries on his fave planet.