by Joanne De Simone Reynolds
Or granted a stay—
The ultimate ordinary Francis
Reassuring the faithful
The convert
As to ordo amoris
(Heart of the father)
(Mother to each and all)
(Delicate radiant essence)
Refers to Aquinas—
Love dilates the heart What could be more
catholic than that?
Fit to write to the last letter
The ultimate ordinary Francis
Says in essence—
Advance the orders
Of your heart
Reassuring the faithful
Reminding the convert
Of what it can mean
(A pasture)
To the lost the least . . . the last
Joanne De Simone Reynolds has been an ekphrastic poetry participant in Art On The Trails at Beals Preserve in Southborough, Massachusetts for many years.She won first prize in poetry in 2022 and was poetry judge in 2023. Her series of sixteen ekphrastic poems for 2020 Art Ramble, in Concord, Ma, can be viewed online alongside images of the sculptures at