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Sunday, March 23, 2025


by Royal Rhodes

remembering “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus

White House says it will not return the Statue of Liberty to France. A French politician said the U.S. no longer deserved the legendary monument. —Politico, March 17, 2025

The White House sense of what we owe to France
forgets why we are not a monarchy.
This "mighty woman with a torch," perchance,
shows with her flame its dark autocracy.
Yorktown and the sword of Lafayette
have been suppressed in its new made-up tales.
Will God forget us, if we too forget?
As "world-wide welcome" in our marrow fails?
Exiles sought for freedom like fresh air.
America was built by diverse hands,
ignored by a self-centered billionaire.
A golden door was open to all lands.
For wealth, new tyrants rule by greedy whim.
Can someone teach this statue how to swim?

AI-generated graphic by NightCafé for The New Verse News.

Royal Rhodes is a descendent of migrants here in the 17th century from England, and in the 19th century from Ireland.