grandma sophie checks
these boxes
for the american dream
she fled
1. pogroms
2. despots
3. poverty
she arrived by
1. horse and wagon
2. train
3. ship
violently assaulted
a #metoo moment
before we could speak
such things aloud
my grandmother kept
her life lost a life
in pursuit of
1. love
2. safety
3. family
silenced by shame she
never spoke her trauma
but passed it down
on top of the genes
episilencing generations
1. ancestors
2. descendants
3. ascendance
through no fault of her own
and now her landsman
this democratically elected
leader of a free country
symbolized by the sunflower
source of seeds and oil
hearth and home like sophie
symbols of peace and resilience
comes to defend freedom
and dignity for all
not to grovel
at the tsar’s feet
violently assaulted
an #ustoo moment
we must speak aloud
I call out the horror
sophie’s story is america’s story
truth trauma triumph and all
i am writing herstory
1. SOPHIE her name
2. PROUD her legacy
3. AMERICA her goldene medina
episilenced #nomore
Robin Stevens Payes is a time traveler who reasons that time and space are just inconvenient rules that other people decided the world must follow. After decades of trying to fit some notion of “normal” she chose to dive deeper into the offbeat, allowing verse to fill a poetic void. Her poetry has appeared in several anthologies: Dawn Horizons, East Sea Bards, Maryland Bards Poetry Reviews, and Reflections. She is time traveling to retrieve fragments of her grandmother Sophie’s story in [re]member the world, weaving together poetry, memoir, history and science. She writes about the process of weaving memory into a tapestry on her Substack https://