by Kathy Gilbert
I need to write a poem
413 people who were alive
Yesterday are dead
I need to write a poem…
Bombed without warning
In the night
167 children killed
I need to write a poem?
What happened
To the ceasefire?
The poem I thought I’d write
Was how yesterday
I saw ravens collecting
Stout twigs and branches
To build and fortify their nests
Home for their future children
The poem I thought I’d write
Was about spring and new life
It’s winter all over the world
I need to write a poem
Only love can save us
Love of action. Gathering twigs
To protect new life
Of spring/ offspring
Those babies in Gaza are
our children we have murdered.
413 people who were alive
Yesterday are dead
I need to write a poem…
Bombed without warning
In the night
167 children killed
I need to write a poem?
What happened
To the ceasefire?
The poem I thought I’d write
Was how yesterday
I saw ravens collecting
Stout twigs and branches
To build and fortify their nests
Home for their future children
The poem I thought I’d write
Was about spring and new life
It’s winter all over the world
I need to write a poem
Only love can save us
Love of action. Gathering twigs
To protect new life
Of spring/ offspring
Those babies in Gaza are
our children we have murdered.
Kathy Gilbert resides in the Bay Area and received her MFA from SFSU. She is retired, has written two books and practices tai chi.